Friday, January 14, 2022

CBD Vape


CBD vape juice is worth getting. if you never tried it. If you are new to vaping I would slowly get into it. With CBD vape you take 6-7 drops depending on the MG. I normally do about 10-12 drops with a half tank of normal vape juice so that I can have a mix. 

There are all kind of flavors and spectrums that you can get.

CBD vape juice is just like the CBD gummies. It makes you feel relaxed, you inhale and hold it then let it sit for a few minutes and exhale. Some CBD vape juices are 250-1000mgs so depending on what kind and the type is how you will feel.

If you are just starting out vaping I highly suggest the 250 until you get use to it. It is the smallest MG that is created in vape juice. 

CBD vape works great and no one can even tell you are vaping CBD which is great since it smells just like the rest of the vape juices. 

CBD vape or cartridges hit quicker and some can hit harder depending on what it is. CBD does not show up on drug test but THC does so anything delta 8 or ThcO or THCV or delta 9-10 will and if you happen to have a drug test just bring along your vape juices, cartridge containers that they come in or hemp lotions, Chapstick show them what you use. Since it is legal in certain states under the 2014 farm bill act. 

Pax Flower and wax vape 


Bearly Legal Hemp Delta 8 vape juice and thc carts here

Just Delta 8 Carts here 

Hemper co vapes


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